
The Brands Meet Creators TikTok Shop Games

What is it?

The Brands Meet Creators TikTok Shop Games are simple...

  1. Select TikTok Shop products directly from our brand partners.

  1. Create content.

  2. Earn bonus commission.

  3. Rank on the Leaderboard and earn prizes.

Why play?

  • It's Free: There is no risk to participating in The Games.

  • Premium Brands: Partner with high-viral-potential brands.

  • Exclusive Commission Rates: We negotiated bonus commission that you'll only find here.

  • Learn As You Play: We'll be sharing what is working for other participants!

  • Win Prizes: Win free tickets to our in-person creator mastermind retreats... and more!


  • Who can join?

    For now we can only accept US creators that already have access to TikTok Shop on their accounts.

  • What brands are in The Games?

    You'll see all of the available brands on the next page. We selected brands that have viral-style products and budget to boost your videos so you earn more commission. We negotiated an exclusive BONUS commission for all products in the games if you register directly with us.

  • How long are The Games?

    The Games will run through mid April!

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